Stalbridge Cricket Club News story

SCC 2014 Season

25 Apr 2014

Dear Members

With the 2014 season approaching us, please update your availabilities on the website to assist with team selection for next weekends first league matches. Please can we also urge you to keep an eye out for (and reply to) selection emails so Captains don't have to chase people up with texts and phone calls!!

Please also note that Club Membership Subscriptions are now due. As agreed by vote at the AGM, there will a discount for payment by the 1st June, with rates as follows.

Seniors (18 yrs and over) - £30.00 (£35.00 after 01/06/14)
Family Membership - £40.00 (£45.00 after 01/06/14)
Under 18 or in Full-time education - £15.00 (£20.00 after 01/06/14)
Juniors (u-15, u-13, u-11 groups) - £12.00 inc. free ball (must complete Junior Membership Form)
Juniors (u-9, u7 groups) - £8.00 (must complete Junior Membership form)

It is vitally important that ALL Subscriptions are paid to the Club as promptly as possible.

  1. Only bona-fide paid-up members of the Club are allowed to play in League matches (DC League rule 3.1). If teams are playing non-paid-up members, they could be forced to forfeit points.

  2. Only bona-fide paid-up members of the Club are covered by the Club’s insurance policy.

  3. Membership subs are VITAL to the continued running of the club .  

Please ensure both your eligibility to play and the Club’s financial health by paying your appropriate subs as soon as possible.
Cheques are payable to ‘Stalbridge Cricket Club’.
Please give/send your payment to the Membership Secretary, Andrew Robertson:-

Andrew Robertson
7 Lark’s Meadow, Stalbridge, DT10 2LF
(mobile 07803 021781)


If you use online banking pay direct to the Club, online:
Account Name:                   Stalbridge Cricket Club
Account No:                        24030104
Sort Code:                           55-61-09

Please include your surname as a reference for the payment or we’ll not know whose subs they are!                              

Many Thanks